How to Determine Your Calling (Niche) and Passion

Carving out your niche is crucial for building a successful and fulfilling career!

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IKIGAI : A Japanese concept combines what you love, what you're good at and what the world needs. Here's how you can start finding your ikigai:

Finding your calling is a journey involving three crucial elements. Without these, you might end up in a job you hate, financially unstable, or perpetually searching for employment. Let's explore these key factors:

Passion: What Sets Your Soul on Fire?

Everyone has something they're passionate about—whether it's building things, traveling, technology, teaching, caring for people, or something else. Think about the activities that excite you and make you tick. However, passion alone doesn't always pay the bills. For example, you might love gardening or going to the gym, but these passions might not lead to a lucrative career. Conversely, a high-paying job can be miserable if you hate what you do every day. Life is too short to waste your energy on something you don't love.

Proficiency: What Are You Good At?

Identify your strengths. Maybe you've been told you're great at drawing, leading teams, or public speaking. However, many people are good at things they dislike doing. If you're skilled at something but don't enjoy it, you won't find success or satisfaction in it. For instance, you might be an excellent coder but despise the work. It's essential to balance what you're good at and what you enjoy.

Profitability: Can This Career Sustain You?

Consider whether your chosen career path is profitable. If you love designing t-shirts and are good at it, but it doesn't pay well, it might be better suited as a hobby. Conversely, if you're passionate about AI or technology and these skills are in high demand with good pay, then it's worth pursuing. Many of us work jobs we don't like for short-term financial stability, but this isn't sustainable long-term. If you're passionate about something but not proficient, it won't last.

Feeling Unsure? Get Feedback and Perspective

If you're uncertain about your strengths, ask friends and family for feedback. Sometimes, our greatest talents are right in front of us, but we can't see them due to our blind spots. This is where a career coach can be invaluable. They can help you gain clarity and perspective on your abilities and passions.

Embrace Change and Take Action

Remember, it's normal to change careers multiple times. Some people stay in the same career for decades, while others try, change, fail, and try something new. Don't be afraid to experiment and find what works for you. Listen to your own aspirations and don't let others' doubts hold you back.

What’s Stopping You from Taking Action?

Reflect on what's holding you back from pursuing your calling. Taking action is the first step toward finding a fulfilling career. If you're feeling stuck, consider working with a career coach to gain the clarity and confidence you need to move forward.

How a Career Coach Can Help

A career coach provides objective advice and support in the following ways:

  • Clarity and Direction: Help you articulate your passions and strengths.

  • Goal Setting and Action Plans: Assist in setting realistic goals and creating plans to achieve them.

  • Skill Development: Provide resources to enhance your skills.

  • Accountability: Regular sessions ensure you stay motivated and on track.

Finding your true calling, or "ikigai," can transform your professional life. Ikigai is about finding the sweet spot where your passion, skills, and market demand intersect. Start your journey today and unlock your true potential.

I have numerous years of experience helping individuals discover their true potential and achieve their career goals. Specialising in career transitions and work life balancing routines and am passionate about guiding clients through their career journeys and helping them find fulfilment in their professional lives.

For more personalised advice and coaching, connect with me on LinkedIn or visit my Website


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